Archive for the ‘hope’ Tag

How About If………..   Leave a comment

How about if I don’t want to be in a relationship? I mean, come on, let’s face it; at this time in my life, I’m pretty much settled in my ways and not really anticipating having to conform to or except someone else’s. Not saying that my way is the only way; just that it’s my way. But how about if there was someone I could be friends with without the ‘relationship’ bullshit that always fucks things up? I mean, someone with whom I could share things with (and they’d actually be interrested), or do things with, ie: fishing, antiquing, playing pool. And I am talking about a male in particular because, I’m sorry but it’s just not the same with someone of your own sex. And no. There would be no sex involved. Maybe a certain attraction to allow a harmless flirtative bantering, but the knowledge by both parties that this is as far as it’s going to go…… Surely it’s not as impossible as it seems. Two adults of opposite sexes can become close friends and not end up with one or the other demanding sex or else? Can’t they?

Posted 08/21/2012 by juliakaye in Uncategorized

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